
Showing posts from September, 2022

John Holden - Sakusei no tayasu-sa (Ease of Creation).

  Kintsugi With John's fourth project he has moved into an area rarely inhabited by the kind of bands that he and I share an interest in. Bands become a victim of their own momentum and feed on themselves. John on the other hand has no other consideration than to make music.  I have been thinking of artists that set aside naked ambition and just instinctively create. The Beatles "White Album" written in Rishikesh has that feel. Joni Mitchell's "Hijira" is more focused than "Hissing" it feels more naked, more to the point, as if you get a more clearly distilled vision of the artist. Perhaps Steve Winwood's "Arc of Diver." is an artist arriving at a destination rather than striving restlessly for more 'something.' Thats what I feel I am receiving with Kintsugi. Part of that is because John has taken more personal responsibility over the playing, part is due to his absolute determination to feed the songs rather than the arrangem